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About Fun Crafts

Why fun crafts?

Fun crafts are two words I always use together .

fun crafts
Easy to make paper beads

Because art and craft should always be about fun.

Do you long to be creative but believe creativity is for other people who are ‘good’ at it?

Maybe you admire the work of others while saying, ‘oh I couldn’t paint/sculpt/take pictures/draw/sing/dance/etc etc etc…’ to save my life!

People often say to me, ‘oh you are so arty/clever/creative – I wish I could do what you do.’

So if you are one of those who watches ‘arty crafty’ people from the sidelines believing we are somehow more talented than you – get on the pitch and play!

My whole  life is about creativity through writing, painting, photography and fun crafts. But it wasn’t always – I promise you.

Just take a look at my masterpiece below and guess how old I was when I did this. Forty five – not really – just kidding!

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Child prodigy? I think not!

This is how I drew at 9 years old – yes NINE! My 5 year old grandson draws way better than this.

And for all the perceived cleverness, artyness and talent people imagine I have, if I drew a fairy now, it wouldn’t look much different to this!

And for years and years and years, I gazed wistfully at the art and crafts of others – wishing with all my heart that I was like them, not celebrating the fact I was like me and exploring my own creativity.

For many years, I used photography as my creative outlet because I believed I wasn’t ‘good enough’ to paint, draw or do fun crafts in case I got it ‘wrong’.

My fear of not being able to produce something others would admire stopped me from participating in and enjoying the act of creating.

And so I pursued a long career in photography, using it to express myself but it never quite satisfied the arty crafty person locked up inside me, afraid to come out in case I got it ‘wrong’.

And by the time I reached an age where I couldn’t care less what ‘wrong’ was, I had lost all those years of splashing paint around and knowing the joy of creating without the camera.

Don’t be like me. Don’t wait until you are older to unleash your inner arty crafty monster – let it roar NOW!

I am all about being free and easy with the paint, glue, ink, paper, canvas, beads, card – whatever you can grab to be creative and enjoy some fun crafts!

And it’s about losing that fear of getting it ‘wrong’. Its about the activity – not the end product.

At first, you may feel like throwing your creations away. I suggest you don’t because its fun to look back at them when you start to develop your skills.

In my posts, I give links to my YouTube videos showing step by step, how I create various things from paintings to jewelry.

And I now regularly give away digital files and designs for people to use in their crafts.

I hope maybe it will encourage those who think they aren’t ‘good enough’,  to start splashing paint around or take up a craft or other creative hobby such as photography (if you really can’t cope with paint!)

We can all learn from each other. My belief is that we are never done with learning – ever. And to be creative, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

paper beads
Left – An image I painted using alcohol inks – and I ‘can’t paint’.
And above – some paper beads I designed myself and made using the tool I manufacture.

Fun crafts are my life now. They can be your too if you are prepared to give yourself the chance.

The first time someone looked at something I had created with paint and said, ‘wow – I wish I could do that’, it made me smile.

That was me before I just let go of my ego and jumped in.

‘To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong” – Joseph Chilton-Pearce

Absolutely anyone can enjoy an afternoon of fun crafts or just sploshing paint around. What you produce does not matter.

I cannot paint or draw realistically but my goodness I LOVE playing with colour in an abstract way on big canvases that once scared me.

I have ripped up work that I didn’t like but I have never regretted the fun and relaxation I had while creating.

Do you secretly wish you were creative? Well I am here to tell you you are.

Visit my YouTube channel for craft tutorials.

All struggling artists and crafters are very welcome here. If you want to ask me questions about anything you see here, please message me on Instagram.

No matter what your believe you ability to be – let yourself loose with some crafts and free your artistic soul!

If you would like to see more examples of items that I have created please click here.