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Home » Free Designs For Crafts – Star Pendant & Earring Set

Free Designs For Crafts – Star Pendant & Earring Set

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Free designs for crafts – more free printables for you.

Free designs for crafts are a feature of my website and these are my latest designs.

Free Designs for crafts

Printable Giveaway For Free!

My latest YouTube tutorial is all about making this cute set of star earrings and a small matching pendant necklace.

If you came here from my YouTube video and you would like to get the free printable design, click here.

To achieve the look I got in my finished pendant and earrings, print out on 6×4 inch glossy paper

free designs for crafts
My free printable 6×4 inch sheet of earring and pendant designs.

Each sheet has four different designs repeated to make four sets of earrings with matching pendants.

The earring designs are approximately 0.9cm – 1cm and the pendant designs are approximately 1.7 – 1.8cm.

So unless you are very good at cutting by hand, use the equivalent size circular craft punches to cut.

The full tutorial can be seen on my YouTube channel Rainbow Lane.

To accurately cut the designs from your free printable…

…it will help if you have some handy little craft punches like these.

Free Designs for crafts

The smaller one cuts circles  almost 1cm across and the bigger ones cuts circles around 1.7 cm across.

That is why it is important that you do not resize the free printable you have downloaded.

I have made the circles the right size for the punches.

I couldn’t find these exact punches for you to put in my Amazon shops.

However, I have found a couple that are about the same size.

I suggest you get my free printable design first, print it off and measure across the centre of the circles.

Then look online or in your local craft store for punches to fit.

I’ve also put both sizes of glass cabochons (domes) in my Amazon stores.

Mine were fractionally bigger than my circles but that’s fine, you don’t need to worry about that.

Fractional differences in size don’t look odd, in fact they don’t really show.

Below are the links to my Amazon storefronts and my Amazon Affiliate statement.

The items were available at the time of writing in 2019, however, this may have changed now.

My Amazon store for US and Canada readers.


My Amazon store for UK readers.


My Amazon Affiliate statement.

You can cut your free printable by hand with small sharp scissors.

But it’s much neater if you can find craft punches the right size to punch them out evenly.

The smallest circle punch in the picture below (the square white one) was bought from Hobby Craft in the UK.

I didn’t get it online, I went into the Ipswich store and bought it off the shelf. It’s an xCut Palm Punch Small Circle.

The bigger one was one that I already had in my collection of circle punches.

After searching online, I found some similar circle punches to sell in my Amazon storefronts ( and

Once you have my free printable downloaded and printed off, make sure you measure the circle shape across the middle and find punches that fit.

If you print the free downloadable designs out at 6×4 inches without changing the document size, the measurements should stay the same.

But I can’t guarantee that – so measure before you buy any punches.

Everything depends on your knowledge of using downloaded files and printing them on your particular printer.

Experiment and measure before you buy the punches – or, cut them by hand.

free printable
free printable

Did you enjoy using the free printable?

Would you like more?

If you enjoyed using this design and would like more, subscribe to this blog because there are more freebies in the pipeline!

I will be posting more free printables regularly so check back often .

If you have any requests for printables, let me know what colours, designs or sizes you would like and I will do my best to accommodate your needs – just let me know in the comments section below the post or in the comments section on my YouTube channel.

You can also use the contact form.

Hope you have fun using this particular free printable and I look forward to seeing you back here next time!